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14th Recent Advancements in Nanotechnology & Nanotheranostics

Date :

Place : India, Raipur

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Contact Person:Dr. Ashok Kumar


online and in-person

14th Recent Advancements in Nanotechnology & Nanotheranostics will be held in Raipur,India on date 2025-03-15

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 5th March 2025

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Keynote Speakers :

Conference Highlights :Kalinga University

The Faculty of Pharmacy at Kalinga University is deeply committed to producing highly skilled pharmacists and scientists who uphold ethical standards and are equipped to address community health needs. The emphasis on international standards, scientific research, and community service reflects a holistic approach to education and professional development. The investment in state-of-the-art laboratories demonstrates a dedication to providing students with practical, hands-on learning experiences in pharmaceutical sciences.
Our seminar's focus is on the use of Nanotechnology and Nanotheranostics in targeted drug delivery for the treatment of diseases without affecting other organs. By addressing the complexities and challenges inherent in the process, researchers can better navigate the pathway towards bringing new medications to market. Identifying scientific and operational obstacles early on allows for proactive measures to enhance the efficiency and success of the development process, ultimately benefiting both researchers and patients.
The seminar on “Recent Advancements in Nanotechnology & Nanotheranostics” sounds like an excellent opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaboration. By bringing together experts from both academic and industrial sectors, along with researchers and students, the seminar aims to foster discussion and learning on cutting-edge topics such as “Nanotechnology & Nanotheranostics” in pharmaceuticals. The platform provides a space for researchers to showcase their work, receive feedback, and enhance their understanding of the subject, ultimately benefiting their grant proposal writing, teaching, and research endeavours.
The International seminar invites abstracts from delegates from all over the globe, including guest/invited speakers, faculties, research scholars, and postgraduate and graduate students from different organisations. This seminar will be a suitable forum for sharing views on drug discovery & development and the role of “Nanotechnology & Nanotheranostics” in this field. Abstracts up to 250-300 words should be prepared using Times New Roman (12pt) in a single line. The title should be in bold. The abstract should be free from plagiarism. Mention the names of the author(s), affiliation(s), and E-mail ID of the corresponding author. Underline the name of the presenting author and email to icfop@kalingauniversity.ac.in. All the abstracts will be published in the form of seminar proceedings with ISBN. A copy of the seminar proceedings will be provided to all the participants.
All the papers will be included in the conference proceedings with ISBN as E-Book. Selected papers will be published in the UGC / ABDC / Scopus indexed journals with applicable charges determined by the respective journals.

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