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Conference Details

20th RBUCON.Computing'25: Future Computing Technologies for Societal Development

Date :

Place : India, Nagpur

Website :

Contact Person:Urmila Shrawankar


online and in-person

20th RBUCON.Computing'25: Future Computing Technologies for Societal Development will be held in Nagpur,India on date 2025-02-22

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 30th November -0001

Organized By :

Keynote Speakers :

Conference Highlights : RBUCON.Computing'25

All Accepted and Presented papers will be published in Scopus/WoS Indexed Journals
RBUCON.Computing'25is a theme-based conference focused onFuture Computing Technologies for Societal Developmentthat intends to bring together several professionals, academicians, researchers and students to a single platform to facilitate the exchange of ideas, and present a direction of research and innovation at the National and International levels.
RBUCON.Computing'25is organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering, Ramdeobaba University (RBU), Nagpur in co-association with Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
This is a hybrid mode international conference to be held at RBU campus during February, 2025.The accepted and presented paper will be published in Scopus/WoS journals.

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