Date :
Place : United States of America, Boston
Website :
Contact Person:Kate Woodford
Identify, Synthesize and Design Optimized Peptide-Based Drugs. Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Prices: USD 2599.00 - USD 5197.00. Speakers: Abbas Walji, Senior Director, Discovery Chemistry, Merck, and moreDeadline for abstracts/proposals : 1st April 2025
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Keynote Speakers :
Conference Highlights :Home - 2nd Peptide-Based Therapeutics Summit
Join us in April 2025 for the 2nd Peptide-Based Therapeutics Summit to identify, synthesize & design optimized peptide-based drugs.
Join Our Group!
WithMerck’soral PCSK9 inhibitor demonstrating strong phase 3 trial results,J&J’sIL23R antagonist peptide continuing its phase 3 journey, andChugaiadvancing peptides into the intracellular space, peptide therapeutics are firmly back on the map as the next modality disrupting drug discovery and development.
This includes exploringpeptide structure predictionusing AI/ML technologies, designingorally bioavailableandcell membrane-permeablepeptidesusing structure-based molecular design, harnessingmRNA displayandDNA-encoded librariesfor peptide discovery,optimizingpeptide synthesis, integratingformulationconsiderations at the discovery stage, and investigating peptides asdrug delivery vehicles.
The2nd Peptide-Based Therapeutics Summitreturns toBostonas your most comprehensive, industry-dedicated forum for overcoming the unique drug discovery challenges of peptide-based therapeutics and powering up your development pipelines to achieve 2025/26 milestones.
As this revitalized space reaches a critical tipping point, join the conversation on how advancements incomputational,medicinalchemistry, andformulation technologiesare driving peptide pipeline progression from hit to lead.
Check the event website for more details.