Date :
Place : Lithuania, Kaunas
Website :
Contact Person:Gintare Stankeviciute
Digital twins have gained significant momentum in the built environment. The 3-day event will consist of a Brokerage Event on the first day, knowledge sharing during workshops and round table sessions on the second, and the Conference on the 15th.Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 5th January 2025
Organized By :
Keynote Speakers :
Conference Highlights :Building Digital Twin Scientific Conference | KTU
The first Building Digital Twin Scientific Conference (BDTSC), organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
We invite you to the first Building Digital Twin Scientific Conference (BDTSC) on May 15 in Kaunas.Event is organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), SmartWins project and Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA), and in conjunction with the BDTIC (Building Digital Twin International Congress).Scopus-indexed conference proceedings will be published by Springer, the indexing in WoS will be revised after review by the WoS Expert Group.
The 3-day event will offer networking and clustering opportunities thanks to the collaboration of the European Commission on the first day – Brokerage Event, in depth knowledge sharing during workshops and round table sessions – BDTIC, and research focused scientific conference BDTSC on the third day. Taking place at KTU’s central campus, a renowned centre for digital twin technology, the congress offers a unique opportunity to experience Kaunas, a UNESCO-listed city famous for its Modernist architecture.
Laikas baigėsi!
Digital twins have gained significant momentum in the built environment in recent years. While there are many inspiring examples already developed, the field still requires further progress in creating a common language, shared frameworks, ontologies, interoperability, security, and more to fully harness the potential for more sustainable and resilient buildings and infrastructure.Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), a regional leader in digital twin development, will host several events on this topic in May 2025. In collaboration with theBuilding Digital Twin Association (BDTA)and theSmartWinsproject, we invite you to attend some or all of the following events:
Additionally, a separate event, the PhD Spring School, will be held at KTU from May 19-23, organized byKTU’s Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, theCentre for Smart Cities and Infrastructure, andBentley Systems. More details on this event will be announced in December 2024.
Check the event website for more details.